Citizens Organization Roma Education Center „RomaEC“

Let the will for new knowledge never stop in you.
Because knowledge is the key that opens the gate that stops you.

  • Lorem
  • Ipsum
  • Dolor


Encouraging the desire for new knowledge and expanding the horizons of the citizens.


Raising the higher level of thinking and interpretation of every citizen.


Bringing knowledge to citizens of all social levels.

Strategic goals

The realization of the strategic goals RomaEC performs through:
organizing courses, trainings, seminars and
other educational activities in the field of non-formal education.

  • Socially disadvantaged families

    Encouraging the desire to learn and educate this specific and vulnerable category of citizens.

  • Children without parents

    Special emphasis on this group that needs more attention to form professional profiles for easier independence, adaptation and coping in life.

  • Children who excel in formal education

    These children will be offered opportunities for non-formal education to develop into professional profiles.

  • Unemployed and employed persons

    This group will be offered opportunities for non-formal education and vocational training courses and trainings for formation in professional profiles and easier integration and adaptation in life.

  • High School & University Students

    Assist in overcoming problems and obstacles in learning the teaching material, by organizing mentoring and tutoring meetings.

"Roma and the IT Professions"

Current project